// Font structures for newer Adafruit_GFX (1.1 and later). // Example fonts are included in 'Fonts' directory. // To use a font in your Arduino sketch, #include the corresponding .h // file and pass address of GFXfont struct to setFont(). Pass NULL to // revert to 'classic' fixed-space bitmap font. #ifndef _GFXFONT_H_ #define _GFXFONT_H_ typedef struct { // Data stored PER GLYPH uint16_t bitmapOffset; ///< Pointer into GFXfont->bitmap uint8_t width; ///< Bitmap dimensions in pixels uint8_t height; ///< Bitmap dimensions in pixels uint8_t xAdvance; ///< Distance to advance cursor (x axis) int8_t xOffset; ///< X dist from cursor pos to UL corner int8_t yOffset; ///< Y dist from cursor pos to UL corner } GFXglyph; typedef struct { // Data stored for FONT AS A WHOLE: uint8_t *bitmap; ///< Glyph bitmaps, concatenated GFXglyph *glyph; ///< Glyph array uint8_t first; ///< ASCII extents (first char) uint8_t last; ///< ASCII extents (last char) uint8_t yAdvance; ///< Newline distance (y axis) } GFXfont; #endif // _GFXFONT_H_