[![license-badge][]][license] ![version] [![stars][]][stargazers] [![hit-count][]][count] [![github-issues][]][issues] # Aosong ASAIR AHT10, AHT15 & AHT20 This is an Arduino library for Aosong ASAIR AHT10, AHT15 & AHT20 Digital Humidity & Temperature Sensor - Supply voltage: 1.8v - 3.6v - Temperature range: -40°C..+80°C - Temperature resolution: 0.01°C - Temperature accuracy: ±0.3°C - Relative humidity range: 0%..100% - Relative humidity resolution: 0.024% - Relative humidity accuracy: ±2%** - I²C bus speed: 0Hz - 400KHz - Recomended polling frequency: 8sec - 30sec*** Supports all sensors features: - read humidity**** - read temperature**** - soft reset with sensor initialization Tested on: - Arduino AVR - Arduino ESP8266 - Arduino ESP32 - Arduino STM32 **Prolonged exposure for 60 hours at humidity > 80% can lead to a temporary drift of the signal +3%. Sensor slowly returns to the calibrated state at normal operating conditions. ***If sampling rate of the measurement is too high, the sensor overheats. To prevent the temperature of the sensor from rising > 0.1°C, read sensor once every 2 seconds. ****The library returns 255 if a communication error occurs or if the calibration coefficient is off. [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg [license]: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/ [version]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-1.1.0-green.svg [stars]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/enjoyneering/AHT10.svg [hit-count]: http://hits.dwyl.io/enjoyneering/AHT10/badges.svg [count]: http://hits.dwyl.io/enjoyneering/AHT10/badges [stargazers]: https://github.com/enjoyneering/AHT10/stargazers [github-issues]: https://img.shields.io/github/issues/enjoyneering/AHT10.svg [issues]: https://github.com/enjoyneering/AHT10/issues/